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thirty bees 1.0.8 is now available. This release improvements and bugfixes.

thirty bees 1.0.8 Changelog

thirty bees | E-Commerce

thirty bees | E-Commerce


Notes to merchants:

  • File consistency checks in back office -> Advanced Parameters -> Configuration Information now also report obsolete files. To allow you to keep your installation tidy.
  • These file consistency checks were extended to cover files in vendor/, for the same reason.
  • Note: looking up back office -> Advanced Parameters -> Configuration Information after updates or in case of trouble is always a good idea. This pages detects missing and changed core files.
  • CSV import example files were fixed to match the importer’s default settings.
  • Fixed text direction in back office for RTL languages (Hebrew, Arabic, …) and other themes than plain Bootstrap when switching language and on installation.
  • Back office -> Localization -> Currencies learned another currency format, 0.000,00 X, thanks to @idnovate.
  • Back office -> Advanced Parameters -> E-mail now allows to set an arbitrary subject for emails sent. Default is the formerly enforced text, [{shop_name}] {subject}, thanks to @getdatakick .
  • Fixed a fundamental flaw in back office message handling. Non-error messages (warnings, confirmations, infos) never got displayed to the user. Expect to see helpful messages in back office which weren’t there before.
  • The upgrade (in case you upgrade from a previous version) heals some deficiencies in migrated shops regarding URL schemas. Shops which started with thirty bees are unaffected. If you’re unsure and care about your SEO ranking, please look up for an attempt to explain the situation.
  • The upgrade also removes back office menu items which existed in PS, but no longer do in thirty bees.
  • The upgrade adds back office menu items which didn’t exist in PS, but are new in thirty bees. The migration module didn’t do this so far.
  • Note: these last three items belong to migrated shops, ones created with thirty bees from the beginning have all this already.
  • A new back office menu item, Modules and Services -> Modules & Themes Catalog. Still empty, so stay tuned
  • A total of 189 Github commits since release 1.0.7.

Hundreds of translated strings by @GuzGoose, @yanivmirel, @mauroagr, @Khan27, @dudekk, @GreenMouse, @maybegil, @null-, @elund, @DanCretu, @nincris, @flaz3r, @wbertrums, @Andreaevangelina, @Harri, @Patrick_T, @Pascal Polgen, to Russian, Norwegian, Hebrew, Brazilian Portugese, Azerbaijani, Polish, Spanish, Danish, Romanian, Swedish, Dutch, Argentinian Spanish, Finnish, Italian and German.

Notes to developers:

  • New class ShopMaintenance, which is for running regular maintenance, like cleaning old logs.
  • A new hook in class Mail, actionEmailSendBefore. It allows to tweak emails before they get sent.
  • A new admin controller, AdminCatalogController. Currently empty, plans are to implement a module and theme browsing/finding interface there.
  • Unit tests now do class load tests for all classes and no longer tolerate warnings. This move uncovered 5 bugs in core classes already.
  • Unit tests now get validated for completeness of class loading tests.

Known bugs:

Having a product attribute with price impact and also a group price reduction displays a wrong price on the product page. Price in the cart is correct.


Tags: E-Commerce, Softaculous, thirty bees

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