PrestaShop is now available. This release includes improvements, fixes and several changes.
PrestaShop Changelog

PrestaShop | E-Commerce
Back Office
– New feature
- #10906: Add new native module ps_faviconnotificationbo
- #10414: Link modules routes, position column and extension, GridPositionUpdater
- #10422: Add stock location through ps_stock_available table
- #10234: Migration of Shop parameters -> Traffic & Seo -> Seo & urls page
- #9444: Add search engine result preview on product page
- #10208: Migration of Advanced Parameters -> Webservice -> listing
- #9465: Enable ‘edit specific price’ button on BO Product page which opens a pop-in
- #9449: Migration of Improve -> International -> Translations page
- #9305: Introduce ToggleColumn for Grid component
- #9310: Migrate “Configure > Advanced Parameters > Webservices” – part 1 (configuration form)
- #9457: Enable Logs page
- #9377: Migrate E-mail page
- #8984: Introduced advanced and reusable search system
- #9153: Be able to declare modern controllers in modules
- #9192: Migrate Payment methods page
– Improvement:
- #11533: Disable oProxyCommand when imap.enable_insecure_rsh does not exists
- #11466: Revert separated module buttons
- #11147: PositionColummn UI/UX modifications
- #11035: Optimize legacy links in dev mode
- #11063: Improve PositionColumn to allow more route params
- #10868: Manage backward compatibility of legacy links
- #10901: Make Logger stdout configurable using env variables
- #10725: Hide delete button on ordered cart
- #10569: Update Grid definition Ids
- #10529: Implement empty states aka Showcase blocks
- #10440: Change categories in Module Manager
- #10485: Minor migrated Webservice improvements
- #9287: Separate module action buttons
- #10426: Handle boolean returns from RequestSql validation
- #10416: Improve perceived form horizontal alignment
- #10311: Small improvements for Webservice list
- #10358: Update list and settings layout
- #10265: Move Logs page JS to appropriate location
- #9471: Build Back Office default theme using Webpack 4
- #10170: Small ux optimizations
- #9454: Notifications tab + new hierarchy
- #9451: Replace PrestaTrust property with setter
- #9228: Migrate module positions
- #9447: Migrate Backup page
- #9430: Update modern forms layout
- #8710: Improved Product catalogAction
- #9206: Migrate “Configure > Advanced Parameters > Database > SQL Manager” page
- #9397: Update style of forms on new pages
- #8690: Improved performance of Product List page
- #9410: Improve grid search and reset buttons
- #9306: Add a link to the addons’ favicon generator
- #9242: Introducing reusable way to display KPIs blocks in Back Office modern pages
- #9225: Migrate “Improve > Payment > Preferences” page
- #9210: Duplicate array keys
- #9137: Improve routing of PrestaShop application
- #9139: Migrate Sell > Orders > Delivery Slips
– Bug fix:
- #11644: Fix ID replacement in urls generated by symfony
- #11584: Fix displayAdminProductsExtra hook content display in V1.7.5.0 beta
- #11600: Translate module categories
- #11572: Clear cache on module action
- #11579: Remove deprecated functions
- #11531: Fix all miswritten getAdminLink calls in templates
- #11339: Fix default values on import page
- #11508: Escape javascript and html strings
- #11475: Impossible to change position of products
- #11486: Fix layout
- #11478: Changes the redirection url after store update
- #11279: Allow product ordering on explicit request
- #11463: Fix admin translation redirect
- #11448: Remove useless trad files in install for persian
- #11447: Escape everything!
- #11421: Display configure button only if module is configurable
- #11416: Fix customer/address delete resulting in error on cart page
- #11410: Changing primary domain name no longer reindexes simplified URLs
- #11309: Add LegacyContext::getLegacyAdminLink
- #11407: Module manager sorting
- #11394: Fix crashing for bulk actions
- #11384: Add an rtlfix file to correctly hide the right side bar in rtl languages
- #11311: Be able to disable Help Link on Back Office pages
- #11337: Show more logs in admin
- #11344: Manage redirection after email translation
- #11312: Prevent short description limit to be set at 0
- #10956: Fix product features
- #11287: Fix filemanager security breaches
- #11182: The deletion of themes must depends on Employee permissions
- #10898: Fixed performance rights on Performance Clear Cache action
- #11136: Fix param name on email delete all bulk action
- #11123: Make the E2E tests wait for the first load of the BO with welcome module enabled
- #11111: Revert “Apply quotes around the column names would make all the SQL r…
- #11071: Avoid glitch on checkbox click
- #10991: Fix sorting issue in the SQL Manager page
- #10861: Fix fixed height of TinyMce fields
- #10718: Add missing styles on empty state SEO & Traffic page
- #11032: Min height product image dropzone
- #10936: Prevent unvalidated form without checkboxes
- #10436: Style issue on BO
- #10968: Fix General options configuration
- #10967: Fix Bad annotations (backport of #10939)
- #10949: Update help panel position on legacy pages
- #10856: Fatal error when saving product with tags
- #10946: Allow errors without field to be displayed on product form
- #10950: Update module breadcrumb in category page
- #10810: Allow URL in search result preview to be live updated
- #10684: Avoid displaying the addon modal twice, change form names/IDs to avoid collision
- #10857: Use parent javascripts used for displaying help
- #10862: Fixes bug when filter reset functionality sometimes does not work
- #10751: [BO] Fix bug when filter stores by name or address
- #10835: Fix import module
- #10814: Restore legacy sql manager page 175
- #10778: Enable pagination when offset is set
- #10788: Allow url in search preview to use several lines
- #10796: Reuse getAdminLink instead of copy pasting its content
- #10752: Use the right PrestaShop namespace for twig templates
- #10735: Module translations aren’t working when using Smarty Extend into TPL in BO
- #10741: Fix import form alignment
- #10728: FilterParametersUpdater manages filters in a better way
- #10462: Fix wrong display of the brand page
- #10726: Module manager improvement (search, categories, configure button)
- #10736: Use new routes for quick access
- #10681: Fix module catalog js & css issues
- #10705: Move position column template
- #10656: Fix grid ids in migrated JS
- #10601: Use attr(‘data-‘) instead of data
- #10448: Fatal error while adding tags
- #10382: Bug when advanced stock management is enabled in Product Shipping page
- #10571: Fix broken service definition
- #8237: Fixed bug in AdminGroupsController when adding ModulesRestrictions to group in multishop configuration
- #10435: Removed onclick from URL column in BO Shop URLs
- #10427: Get link of the first ACTIVE tab in nav
- #10295: Display the company name in outstanding orders
- #10291: Fix the display of textarea in the category page
- #10375: Fix category tree in BO Products Catalog page
- #10361: Only load Vue Serp component if available
- #10135: PDF documents unformatted
- #9324: Fixed the Show SQL query action
- #10202: Fix ‘edit specific price’ modal behavior bugs and display
- #9453: Allow import entity to be preselected
- #10322: Wrong variable name
- #10326: Manage getAdminBaseLink in LegacyContext::getAdminLink
- #10302: Images aren’t displayed in combinations with new products
- #10281: Fixed minor issues on Logs Grid page
- #10260: Fix help sidebar not working in the Stock page
- #10223: Fixed DB backup page
- #10221: Product Page: fix visual glitches in categories filter
- #10242: Fix wrong translations
- #10233: HookDispatcher dispatchMultiple doesn’t exists anymore
- #10169: Images aren’t displayed in combinations
- #10201: Errors when saving memcached configuration
- #10165: Add form handler for Translations settings forms
- #10139: Remove legacy AdminBackup controller
- #9352: Fix ‘recommended modules’ popin behavior in BO
- #9466: Fix combination generation
- #10042: With undefined function call (Fixed #10041)
- #9450: Modify Link::getAdminLink in MultipleShop mode
- #9407: Display NOK PrestaShop requirements
- #9455: Removed all translations errors from localization page
- #9334: Fix sample file download & fields load via ajax in Import
- #9399: Fix ajax in 500 in product page
- #9389: Fixed path to updated files in System Information page
- #9259: Make PrestaShop fully compatible with Twig 2+
- #9369: Combinations not working when token is disabled
- #9318: Make documentation link on the dashboard point to the 1.7 docs instead of 1.6
- #9333: Small fixes for Sell -> Orders -> Invoices page
- #9267: Unable to copy theme translations
- #9286: Grid/reset action
- #9300: Fix grid sorting by
- #9265: Can’t upload an image in the product page
- #9255: Fix rendering of theme catalog page
- #9235: Corrects a bug when importing store contacts
- #9215: Adapted module URLs for new routing
- #9195: Fixed mixed up display in some cases at partial refunds
- #9198: Add use statement for AppKernel
- #9171: Fixed namespace of Delivery Slips controller
- #9170: Fix smarty condition count
- #9149: Error with quota fields
Front Office
– Improvement:
- #11156: Rollback product canonical
- #11084: Update modules for new 1.7.5 version
- #11015: Adding/Deleting voucher on checkout payment step should refresh amount on payment block
- #10229: Mobile Menu: improve UX/UI of the mobile menu
- #10484: Fix: classic theme footer block design #10483
- #9459: Show the category block in the list page on first page only
- #9472: Modify category pagination for SEO purposes
- #9362: Add breadcrumb to the contact page
- #9456: Modify product canonical url and title value
- #10207: Voucher button is too long in Cart
- #9458: Change brand and supplier default rule for SEO purposes
- #9463: Change the default redirection behaviour to product category
- #9417: Override CustomerAddressForm->submit method more easily
- #9097: Fix phone fieldtype
- #9110: Make checkbox labels clickable on the classic theme
-Bug fix:
- #11777: Do not perform updateProductRequest() AJAX call if no valid data input
- #10964: Fix bug in ajax quantity refresh
- #11261: Fixed inconsistent locale in Front Office
- #11055: Fix minimum quantity blocking
- #10812: Display the specific reference for each combination’s product
- #10447: Double h1 tag on category page
- #10750: Do not display product Reference if empty
- #10428: Fixes issue #10417 incorrect argument order
- #10438: Fix for Issue #10433 : Update lastName and firstName max size
- #10267: Product List: pack flag visual problem
- #10350: Fix empty row when social title is empty
- #10347: Fix htaccess to support Apache 2.4 webservers
- #10352: Fix htaccess to support Apache 2.4 webservers
- #10279: Check minimal quantity
- #10254: Fix getTotalWeight Notice
- #10232: Generate front core assets
- #10230: Add magic methods on LazyArray classes for object-like use
- #9387: Fix for browser back button on product page
- #10195: Fix the bootstrap classes for left-column ID
- #9405: Error when adding product in cart or editing quantity
- #9469: Do not display product Specific References if empty
- #9462: Fix wrong rules in robots.txt
- #9441: Fix 403 error when accessing localhost using IPv6 (Maxmind Database exists)
- #9422: Add missing appendArray in OrderReturnLazyArray (BOOM-6039)
- #9433: Add customizations field in product whitelist
- #9445: Change out of stock condition with greater or equals
- #9446: Fix welcome page variable injection by adding missing %
- #9429: Add formatted field file_size_formatted in attachments
- #9390: Combination issue while trying to change size on a product page
- #9403: Convert ProductLazyArray when using render function
- #9368: Detect if there is already GET param in URL
- #9372: Update OrderFollowController.php
- #9381: Fix label “Use this address for invoice too'”
- #9373: Prevent users from doubleclick on Payment button from #9351
- #9276: Fix product quantity in order return details table
- #9353: Correctly handle hyphens in search index
- #9219: Fix delivery time not shown
- #9214: Fix products pagination without URL rewriting
- #9211: Updated page parameter name in Link and Meta classes
- #9069: Fix gift wrapping fees
– New feature
- #9281: Allow overriding of every part of Grid templates
- #9460: Implementation of CQRS in SqlManager page
- #10241: Add Tactician command/query bus
- #9344: Add function to display information message
- #9230: Migration of Sell > Orders > Invoices page
- #9094: Migrate Improve > Shipping > Preferences controller
- #8990: Introduced Grid system
- #9116: Migrate localization page
- #9174: Added a service to manage PrestaShop versions (may deprecate _PS_VERSION_)
- #9121: Make commands from PrestaShop modules available in PrestaShop application
- #9007: Migrate Shop parameters -> Order settings page
- #11070: Feature/module manager categories
- #11058: Add Hindi, Mexican & Bosnian languages
- #11068: Prevent CS Fixer from adding a trailing dot to the first paragraph of phpdoc
- #11078: Update dependency for security reason
- #10905: Update catalog
- #10883: Missing translations
- #10863: Update translations catalog for 1.7.5
- #10662: Update native modules
- #10464: Undeclared property in the PaymentModule class
- #9292: Update pull-request template with additional PR types
- #9402: Improve grid data providers
- #9356: Add new variable in product.php, to sort features in front
- #10219: Minor grid improvements
- #8744: Prefer Hook::coreRenderWidget
- #10151: Replaced Forge URL with GitHub issues
- #9396: Update version to
- #10138: Avoid a DB query in Address:isUsed() in case of new Address
- #9470: Refactored the Grid component
- #10110: Replace Forge with GitHub issues in PR template
- #9440: Ease CustomerAddressForm customization
- #9437: Introducing HookDispatcherInterface
- #9554: Update links to use GitHub issues in and
- #9467: Build core theme using Webpack 4 and jQuery 2.2.4
- #9461: Update Readme
- #9442: Decouple filters and columns
- #9428: Added a new hook to custom SwiftMessage before sending mail
- #9452: Small naming update in grid
- #7612: Added new actionFrontControllerSetVariables hook
- #9291: Small FrameworkBundleAdminController clean up
- #9426: Add comment line to Address.php
- #9432: Make it unnecessary to append a ‘_’ to the controller name when using the AdminSecurity annotation
- #9424: Issues templates
- #9404: Add gsitemap
- #9320: Phpdocs2
- #9384: Update
- #9342: Make grid.js more extendable
- #8904: Add new presenter implementation optimized for performances (lazy loading)
- #9319: Phpdocs
- #9250: Implement addBefore() & addAfter() methods of ColumnCollection
- #9264: Avoid AJAX request if we didn’t have a refresh URL in the core cart JS file
- #9293: Rename routing file catalog.yml to _catalog.yml to follow routing structure
- #9282: Cleanup ModuleTemplateLoader
- #9283: Update column naming
- #9256: Improve resolving of column options
- #9254: Merge 1.7.4.x in develop
- #9201: Refactor Version class and client code and add unit tests
- #9208: Glob and scandir without sorting are faster
- #9229: Merge 1.7.4.x in develop
- #9207: Replace array_push calls behaving as $array[] since it works faster than invoking functions in PHP
- #9199: Introduced Survival tests for new modern pages
- #9205: Improve form choice providers
- #9209: Callable calls in loops, repetitive calls
- #9204: Remove leftover routing files
- #9176: Migrate “Improve > International > Localization > Geolocation” page
- #9066: Refactor Dispatcher::useDefaultController()
- #9182: Merge 1.7.4.x in develop
- #9154: Migrate Theme Catalog Page of Design Section
- #9162: Remove useless line for meta_title
- #8956: Add customization ID to cart ajax response and updateCart event data
- #9163: Case mismatch in class/function/method call
- #9155: Updated contributor list
- #9146: Merge 1.7.4.x in develop
- #9037: Permit IDE completion with PHP doc
- #9096: Clean up service yml files
- #9067: Refactor Controller class (minor changes)
- #9115: 1.7.4.x into develop
- #9109: 1.7.4.x into develop
- #9053: Add missing package-lock.json files
- #9091: Update develop with 1.7.4.x changes
- #9056: Deprecate polyfill function array_replace()
- #9068: Refactor Cart::checkQuantities()
- #9062: Improved errors management if Dev mode is enabled
- #9071: Refactor AbstractCartTest
- #9061: Removed redundant checks and added docblock in Tools::getIsset function
- #9035: Add package-lock.json file
– Bug fix:
- #11603: Fixed CVE-2018-19277
- #11601: Update ps_checkpayment to latest version
- #11376: Some strings need to be escaped
- #11385: Fix missing dot in wording
- #11345: Update translations catalog
- #10845: Minor services naming fix
- #11300: Fix error on tab unregistration when handled by the module
- #9316: Fix Cart::autoAddToCart using undefined customer when called from BO
- #10446: Increase max size of reference, meta_title, meta_description email, password, firstname, lastname and company.
- #11066: Fix wording in wrong domain
- #11076: Fix wordings
- #10933: Fix translation catalog
- #11030: Harmonize migrated controllers
- #10865: Fix compatibility with PHP 5.6 for PS exception
- #10840: Update Smarty and Symfony to latest
- #10837: Remove rebuild of SymfonyRequirements file after every composer run
- #10795: Use https only for API calls and limit use of guzzle
- #10696: Check $sfRouter before using it
- #10743: Execute query modification hook before fetching data
- #10376: Update HTML purifier
- #10419: Change Javascript indent to 2 spaces, per AirBnb rules
- #10363: Fix undefined method in query parser
- #10337: Remove hard-coded-version in assets URL
- #9475: Make title different from meta title on CMS for SEO purpose
- #10287: Fixed pre-commit hook script
- #10227: Fixed error with inheritance
- #9343: Fix function comment of Module class
- #10200: Bring back Addons Catalog controller
- #10218: Fix falsy value returned by upgrade script
- #10182: Fix deprecated call to Tools::replaceByAbsoluteURL
- #10155: Fix trusted modules cache creation
- #9474: Files from translations folder can not be accessed
- #9436: Remove unused taxes
- #9244: Fixed Apache Optimization
- #9285: Allow more than 36 products per page
- #9386: Merge into develop
- #9047: Fixed nginx config for symfony controllers
- #9289: Version/update release creator
- #9145: Bug correction when changing shipped state
- #9231: Fixed missing call of ObjectModel hooks in CMSCategory::delete()
- #9257: Allow overriding getRobotsContent in Tools.php
- #9234: Fix override handling when PS_DISABLE_OVERRIDES is used
- #9243: Fix show sql action in logs page
- #9120: Fix empty text transformer to not treat zero as empty text
- #9241: Fix Version service namespace usage
- #9203: Fixed bug with friendly URLs and Media Servers
- #9190: Fixed DataConfigurationInterface PHPDoc
- #9105: Check if key exists before checking the value
- #9156: Fix missing security event listeners registration
- #9140: Update composer dependencies
- #9122: Add safety returns after ajaxRender calls
- #9039: Ajax will never die
- #9095: Fix translations order settings and remove unused templates
- #9050: Fix HookConfigurator: Filter certain non-arrays from theme.yml
- #9098: Rename variable $producPropertiesCache (fix typo)
– New feature:
- #9401: Check at installation if PrestaShop version is the latest
– Improvement:
- #11357: Improve install warning message for beta builds
- #10909: Made the installed theme configurable
- #9340: Update rel=”noopener noreferrer”
- #10106: Add Galician language in the installer
- #10104: Add Latvian language in the installer
- #9414: Add arabic language in installer
- #9411: Indian Localization improved
– Bug fix:
- #11206: Installer: always clean test assets even if filesystem tests fail, an…
- #11209: Ignore irrelevant SF warning aout composer at install
- #10296: Init Kernel when possible during installation process
- #10410: Fix fixtures inconsistencies
- #9464: Fix geolocation whitelist
- #9425: Fix step name retrieved in the installer
- #9409: Symfony requirements file now compatible with PHP 7.2
Web Services
– Bug fix
- #10117: Fix bug shipping number is empty in {followup}
- #9439: Fix Error 500 from API request with PHP 7.2
- #9202: Preserve position in category when adding a new Product using Web services
PrestaShop Community
PrestaShop 1.7.5 is above all a community project: from the 75 committers who contributed to this release, 4 are new contributors and over two thirds were community members.
A huge “thank you!” to these 75 fine people:
Amazzing, Anas Mammeri, Andy Pieters, anegoda1995, Ansar Mallouli, Antoine THOMAS, Aurélien Pelletier, Axome, azisyus, Ben Wallis, can, Code Utopia, Cristiano Verardi, Dhavalkumar Prajapati, Dheeraj Sharma, fatmaBouchekoua, fouratachour, FranckRIBEIRO, Fransuisse, Guillaume Durand, hadrich-hatem, idnovate, iqit-commerce (Marcin Sz), Ishiki, jf-viguier, Jocelyn Fournier, Johannes Schramm, Jonathan Lelievre, JuanjoSCu, Jérôme H, khouloud.belguith, Lathanao, Leandro F. L, Louise Bonnard, lozal2244, Lucas Rolff, mahdi, Marion François, Mathias Reker, Mathieu Ferment, Matt75, Matthieu Mota, Mehdi, mehdi-ghezal, Michael Käfer, Mickaël Andrieu, okom3pom, Oskar Andersson, Pablo Borowicz, Patrick Weinstein, Pedro Câmara, Pedro Rendeiro, Peter Schaeffer, Pierre RAMBAUD, Presta Module, rdy4ever, Rokas Zygmantas, Rudra Sarkar, Rémi Gaillard, sadlyblue, sallemiines, seleda, Sergey P, Simone, Sébastien Bareyre, Sébastien LE, RUCHEC, Thomas Leviandier, Thomas Nabord, tolispy, Tomas Ilginis, Tony Botalla, unlocomqx, Web Premiere, yosra.akrout, Šarūnas Jonušas!
Tags: E-Commerce, PrestaShop, Softaculous