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  5. OctoberCMS 1.0.446 | Update...

OctoberCMS 1.0.446 is now available. This release includes improvements and bug fixes.

OctoberCMS 1.0.446 Changelog

OctoberCMS | Portal/ CMS

OctoberCMS | Portal/ CMS


API Changes

  • Added format property to text and number type columns which runs the value through sprintf using the provided format.
  • Added new nestedform widget that allows you to infinetly nest forms inside of each other for maximum reusability of fields that are stored in model
  • array attributes (such as jsonable or encryptable)
  • Added option as an alias for alt in input.hotkey.js for Mac developers
  • Pass the originating event object to the callback function in input.hotkey.js as the third parameter
  • Added backend.manage_default_dashboard permission to lock down who has access to change the system’s default dashboard configuration

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with the backend upgrade process to Build 444 where the user model would be retrieved before running the migration that added the deleted_at column to the users table
  • Fixed support for the placeholder option on richeditor fields
  • Fixed issue where using the clear search button in a Search widget that was within an HTML form element would cause the form to submit

Translation Improvements

  • Minor improvements to Brazilian Portugese translation
  • Improvements to Spanish translation

Community Improvements

  • Updated the OctoberCMS Contributing Guidelines
  • Added issue & PR templates
  • Moved Code of Conduct to it’s own file


Tags: CMS, OctoberCMS, Portal, Softaculous

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