SOPlanning 1.43 is now available. This release includes improvements and bugfixes.
SOPlanning 1.43 Changelog

SO Planning | Project Management
New features, bugfixes and improvements
- Improved drag and drop : now you can select “move task” only for selected task or all repeted tasks
- New option to change text on task cells (increase it if you want)
- Improved statutes management : display options (bold, underline, strike, etc) and more
- New option for administrator in user profile : you can deactivate an account and reactivate it later if needed
- added timezone to SOPlanning : you can now select your own timezone
- Improved color picker for projects and users color
- German translation update + german public holidays
- added option in your user profile in order to define which planning start date you want as default when loading SOPlanning
- new option for the planning : you can hide/display weekends, and define if those days are grey or not
- now compatible with PHP 7.2
- Now you can switch language in your profile without having to logout
- added places and ressources detail in the summary under the planning
- Fixed several small bugs
Tags: Project Management, Softaculous, SOPlanning