PluXml 5.7 is now available. This is a bugs fix.
PluXml 5.7 Changelog

PluXml Portal/ CMS
- PluCSS 1.3
- New theme by default
- Prize in account of the CSS file of the plugins on the page auth.php
- Administración: Sorting categories and static pages by drag & drop
- Display of the image of teaser in RSS feeds
- Media Manager: view maximum number of files per shipment
- Default theme: fixed page header (contribución bazooka07)
- Inverted alphabetical order of articles and categories (contribución bazooka07)
- # 225 Added id to the <body> tag of the auth.php page
- # 230 Teaser image in the first article created at the installation
- # 239 Test and display write access to the root folder for themes
- # 264 función debugJS (contribución bazooka07)
- # 265 Displaying archives over a rolling period of 12 months (contribución bazooka07)
- # 266 Sorting static pages, categorías and complementos by arrastrar y soltar (contribución bazooka07)
- # 269 Ambito de aplicación [admin | site] in the files infos.xml plugins to load a plugin only sideAdministr, site or both (contribución bazooka07)
- FIX Deletion actualización del complemento of Imposible File
- FIX Overlapping menus of administration with a zoom factor> 100%
- Administración de FIX: bad display of special characters in the name of the author of a comment (contribución bazooka07)
- FIX mediasManager.js: funcion de devolución de llamada inactiva con Firefox Quantum
- FIX # 220 Problem displaying CSS theme by default
- FIX # 237 urlRewrite and character “&”
- FIX # 249 missing Russian translation keys missing
- FIX # 256 plxPlugin :: setParam: bad test on the parameter “$ type” (contribución bazooka07)
- FIX # 260 “Uncategorized” category label not displayed when previewing
- FIX # 262 Supresión tris useless
- FIX # 289 Added the default “noactive” class on tags (contributión WorldBot)
- FIX # 303 Reketering of a year’s archives (contribución sudwebdesign)