OSClass 8.1.2 is now available. This release includes improvements and bug fixes.
OSClass 8.1.2 is your one-stop shop to building your own classifieds website. Create a site with car classifieds, rentals, real estate ads, job listings or just create a general classifieds for free with our open-source CMS. With many themes and plugins, Osclass is easy to customize.
OSClass 8.1.2 Changelog
Bug fixes
- Backoffice translation “Share” function will only send translation to Osclass team if it contains all required files It will also not include irrelevant files to this translation
- Osclass will now throw warning message on translation page, if “max_input_vars” variable is high enough to complete full translation
- Translation share button was re-positioned and renamed
- When core translation is saved, related index.php file of this translation is updated with correct Osclass version and new fields added into array
- When using language code in URL, changing language will now not redirect user to home page, but will remain on same page in selected locale
- Premium listings (osc_get_premiums) are now cached for specific user/session separatelly
- Added folders permission check when saving or updating translations from source code
- Updated conversion of Greek alphabet to Latin in URLs
- Updated conversion of Turkish alphabet to Latin in URLs
- Improvements in auto-upgrade process to avoid extra clicks after upgrade has finished
- Required custom fields now contains star (*) in label name on publish page
- Added descriptive details on publish page related to custom field ID, type etc
- Log file in Tools > Debug/Error log section can now be removed (remove button added)
- Theme functions has been added into CRON and can be executed by CRON as well (they were not included until now)
jQuery UI library used in backoffice reverted to 1.12 because of compatibility issues. Front-end still use latest 1.13 version of jQuery UI - Updated sigma_default_direction function to first check RTL setup on language field
- Added hooks user_pre_login_form & user_pre_register_form into Sigma theme
- Added PHPMAILER_DEBUG_LEVEL contstant (value 1 – 4) that allows to debug PHP mailer
- Excluded pages for CSS & JS optimization now consider page Location & Section (ie: item-item_add, item, home, register-register, login-recover, user-profile, …)
- Default exclusion list will now continue item-item_add, item-item_edit. If you want to minify/optimize on these pages as well, update these settings after Osclass update
- Improved error reporting when image could not be loaded on publish page
- Added latitude & longitude fields into backoffice – edit listing form. Created also standardized inputs for latitude and longitude
- Added “Refresh images” option besides “Regenerate images”, that will do the same except images building (will skip images generation and just call hooks)
- Added {LOCALE_CODE} and {LOCALE_SHORT_CODE} as variable to all email templates
- Added new setting: Always Generate Canonical URL tag. It is generated on every page (not just search)
- Added new setting: Generate hreflang tags and add them to header to define alternative site locales
- Upgrade code for Osclass 2.x was removed. It’s not possible to upgrade from older Osclass version than 3.0
- Fixed major bug when using language code in URL, plugin routes were corrupted
- Fixed recaptcha verifcation on login page. Now recaptcha is verified against google services on background
- Fixed PHP deprecated notices (PHP 8+)
- Fixed and improved minor design issues on Sigma theme
- Fixes and improvements in hUser helper functions
- Fixed missing resource_thumbnail_url filter across multiple files in Osclass core and backoffice
Although updates are tested, you’re always encouraged to backup your files before patching.
Tags: Ads Management, Listing, Softaculous
Related Links
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Please Contact us for more information or start any Hosting Plan and install OSClass from Softaculous software library - OSClass Changelog:
To read changelog source Click Here (OSClass External link)