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  5. MediaWiki 1.39.2 | New...

MediaWiki 1.39.2​ is now available. This release includes a bug fixes.


MediaWiki | WikisMediaWiki 1.39.2​ is a free software wiki package written in PHP, originally for use on Wikipedia. It is now used by several other projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation and by many other wikis.
MediaWiki is designed to be run on a large server farm for a website that gets millions of hits per day. MediaWiki is an extremely powerful, scalable software and a feature-rich wiki implementation that uses PHP to process and display data stored in a database, such as MySQL.



MediaWiki 1.39.2 Changelog

This is a security and maintenance release of the MediaWiki 1.35 branch.

🐞 Bug fixes

  • Localisation updates.
  • (T319000) WebInstaller: Don’t try and run trim() on null.
  • (T320864) When calling mail(), use an array for headers.
  • (T311567) In ManualLogEntry, cast the comment to string.
  • (T323082) Upgrading wikimedia/xmp-reader (0.7.0 => 0.8.5).
  • Language: Handle ronna and quetta.
  • (T304515) LCStoreStaticArray: atomically replace the cache file.
  • (T324890, T324891, T324901) Parser: Allow dynamic properties on PHP 8.2.
  • (T322637) SECURITY: sqlite should not create DB file world-readable.



Although updates are tested, you’re always encouraged to backup your files before patching.

Tags: Softaculous, Wikis

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