Mautic 2.15.0 is now available. This is a maintenance release new features, enhancements and bugfixes.
Mautic 2.15.0 Changelog

Mautic | Others
- #6793 Api rate limiter (@Dcoutelle)
- #6605 Log segment and campaign change history to give visibility (@mitresh95)
- #6422 added track_private_ip_ranges option to allow private IPs to be tracked (@davidscholberg)
- #6378 Add support to process Momentum webhooks in the backend via supported queue protocols (@alanhartless)
- #6377 Give access to plugins to append to clickthrough array on trackable URLs (@alanhartless)
- #6319 Form action – Download latest asset from category (@escopecz)
- #6091 Create configuration option for DateRange form type instead of hardcoded 30 days (@scottshipman)
- #5962 3 new contact batch actions (@escopecz)
- #5911 [Enhancement] Allow filtering contacts by Campaign Membership for segments (@heathdutton)
- #5628 Add company fields to campaign condition (@kuzmany)
- #5401 Pipedrive full sync (@kuzmany)
- #6937 Suggest using mautibox to test the PR. (@heathdutton)
- #6893 Support for PHP 7.2 (@StudioMaX)
- #6881 Fix rendering of timeline details being off by one when device os empty (@isleshocky77)
- #6862 Add SSL recommendation during install (@Woeler)
- #6859 Correct English in email not read message (@Woeler)
- #6851 Delete expired user tokens with maintenance cleanup command (@hluchas)
- #6840 Add new inject custom hook to email settings (@kuzmany)
- #6829 SMS click tracking and contact identification (@alanhartless)
- #6825 Remove contacts from segments in batches to prevent RAM issues (@alanhartless)
- #6821 Bump version to 2.15.0-dev (@Woeler)
- #6820 Add background-image and properties to section (@Enc3phale)
- #6753 [campaign-limit] Adds –campaign-limit to TriggerCampaignCommand (@cykonetic)
- #6743 Email sent date filter on segments (@maltonite)
- #6721 Add login log (@hluchas)
- #6720 Add config change log (@hluchas)
- #6719 Add segment activity log + fix Company log (@hluchas)
- #6716 Add support for extreme-ip-lookup (@Woeler)
- #6679 Toogle for public preview of email (@kuzmany)
- #6650 Add custom validation message to international phone number form validation (@kuzmany)
- #6600 Add Lead ID limiters to segment rebuild if available (@Maxell92)
- #6598 Ajaxify email detail graphs (@Maxell92)
- #6570 Add route to API to add multiple contact to one segment (@Dcoutelle)
- #6568 Changing error message for user not found during password reset. (@mitresh95)
- #6539 Feature ip address in campaign webhook (@dongilbert)
- #6523 Fetch email stats on Emails list in batches instead of one by one (@M4v3R)
- #6444 Cache email stats (@dongilbert)
- #6436 Allowed file extensions configuration for installed theme (@kuzmany)
- #6410 Add new Preference Center option to segments (@kuzmany)
- #6388 Add repeatable points action (@kuzmany)
- #6383 Improve redirects/trackable URLs by not executing methods that are not applicable (@alanhartless)
- #6245 Export contact profile (@kuzmany)
- #6242 Clean old data to be GDPR compliant (@Dcoutelle)
- #6240 Added the ability to give permissions on the campaigns. (@Noa83)
- #6194 Show additional email detail information (@maxlawton)
- #6187 [Feature] Chained actions (@heathdutton)
- #6186 Show submission count in Form details (@maxlawton)
- #6161 Disable search indexing with noindex on form page (@Enc3phale)
- #6125 Provide additional API endpoint to clone a specific campaign (@scottshipman)
- #6121 Anonymize IP-Addresses (@kuzmany)
- #6070 New slot type for prefs center: Success Message (@kuzmany)
- #6965 Fixed issue where query parameters were not included in plaintext URLs (@alanhartless)
- #6945 Fixes s3 remote asset browser (@alanhartless)
- #6940 Fix campaign realtime events (@Enc3phale)
- #6938 Fix for non Outlook condition in email builder (@kuzmany)
- #6914 Fix translation message after focus item removal. (@srdecny)
- #6908 Fixes broken zoho sync updates (@alanhartless)
- #6896 Fix frequency rules (@kuzmany)
- #6894 Fix alias reset after form name change via api (@Woeler)
- #6889 Prefer a slave connection for segment counts. (@heathdutton)
- #6886 Prevent interval from doubling the expected scheduled time (@alanhartless)
- #6878 Link leads to form results in demo data (@Woeler)
- #6853 Removing calendar email event creation to make the query faster (@mitresh95)
- #6850 Fix timezone conversion in DateHelper::toText() method (@hluchas)
- #6845 Set with and height HTML params to images in emails for Outlook (@escopecz)
- #6844 Enable plugins to show buttons on the position even if there aren’t any yet (@escopecz)
- #6843 Prevent deadlock on email hit (@escopecz)
- #6842 List sync for campaign conditions (@escopecz)
- #6841 Report api pagination (@escopecz)
- #6839 Tooltip help for searching segments is inaccurate (@anton-vlasenko)
- #6836 Save ip safelly (@escopecz)
- #6828 Fix loading default dashboard when default.json is not writable (@alanhartless)
- #6827 Do first pass of search/replace of tokens before setting the subject into the content DTO (@alanhartless)
- #6826 Fixed progressive profiling for first time site visitors (@alanhartless)
- #6824 Fixed push to Salesforce via form submit issue that pushed old data instead of new from the form (@alanhartless)
- #6823 Prevent SF from choking due to unsupported states (@alanhartless)
- #6822 Fixes campaign interval tests and fixes bugs with scheduling (@alanhartless)
- #6818 Fix: Lost campaign segments after clone campaign (@kuzmany)
- #6810 Fix empty slots in builder (@kuzmany)
- #6802 IMPORTANT BUGFIX: fix to get the query parameter like fingerprint if submitted by POST (@zdreicom)
- #6798 Pass in a cache expire value for Dashboard Widgets in WidgetDetailEvent (@scottshipman)
- #6786 Don’t use full viewParameters list when building returnUrl (@dongilbert)
- #6785 Add support for libxml < 2.7.8 in form integration (@Enc3phale)
- #6771 Code improved from security perspective for the function parse_ini_file (@rohanvakharia)
- #6769 Fix JS front bug in segment filter view (@Enc3phale)
- #6760 Fix frequency rule (@kuzmany)
- #6751 Fix wrong condition for webhook retry (@Clement134)
- #6750 Fix z-index for gated video (@kuzmany)
- #6744 Fix sugarcrm pushleadactivity error (@Enc3phale)
- #6732 Add switch to enable attachments saving for monitored mailbox (@hluchas)
- #6728 Prevent same SQL select aliases in report using numeric suffixes (@hluchas)
- #6727 Fix form results submitted timezone (@hluchas)
- #6726 Dynamic Content replace slot with HTML (@ChrisRAoW)
- #6717 Add isPublished verification on mautic:segments:update (@Enc3phale)
- #6700 Set start date for import entity only when started for the first time (@escopecz)
- #6637 Fix contact name campaign fail log on send marketing email (@kuzmany)
- #6594 Prevent deadlock errors due to updating the webhooks table with a modified by/modified by user each time an event is queued (@mitresh95)
- #6592 Drastically improve speed times for installations with millions of records (@mitresh95)
- #6591 Prevent bots from logging clicks on contact’s behalf (@mitresh95)
- #6220 Use scheduled date for report time range (@Dcoutelle)
- #5970 [Bug] Symfony Master/Slave support is broken (@heathdutton)
- #7018 Bug/campaign membership removal (@heathdutton)
- #6987 Fix #6986 – Immediate Webhooks broken on 2.15 (@pjeby)
- #7010 Fix International phone number validation message (@kuzmany)
- #7013 fix 500 by remove of . on .lp.lead_id (@npracht)
A big thank you to the following community members for contributing to this release either by code or bug report: @alanhartless, @anton-vlasenko, @AntoniyaM, @cceruti, @chandon, @ChrisRAoW, @Clement134, @cykonetic, @david-uc, @davidscholberg, @Dcoutelle, @dongilbert, @Enc3phale, @escopecz, @GaberNeighbor, @heathdutton, @hluchas, @isleshocky77, @johbuch, @jrpub, @kuzmany, @M4v3R, @maltonite, @Marketpedia, @matishaladiwala, @Maxell92, @maxlawton, @mitresh95, @mundo03, @Noa83, @npracht, @patryk-gruszka-ca, @pjeby, @rohanvakharia, @scottshipman, @srdecny, @StudioMaX, @tylerfoulkes, @Woeler, @yarokifor, @zdreicom
Tags: Mautic, Others, Softaculous