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  5. LimeSurvey 5.6.8 | New...

LimeSurvey 5.6.8 is now available. This release includes minor changes and bug fixes.


LimeSurvey | SurveyLimeSurvey 5.6.8 (formerly PHPSurveyor) is an open source online survey application written in PHP based on a MySQL, PostgreSQL or MSSQL database. It enables users without coding knowledge to develop, publish and collect responses to surveys.
Surveys can include branching, custom preferred layout and design (using a web template system), and can provide basic statistical analysis of survey results.



LimeSurvey 5.6.8 Changelog


🐞 Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue #18628: Answer code updates on base language are not reflected on secondary languages (#2906) (Gabriel Jenik)
  • Fixed issue #18625: Cannot copy a survey when using a survey alias (#2927) (Gabriel Jenik)
  • Fixed issue #18619: QuestionGroup->getGroupDescription() fails (#2890) (Gabriel Jenik)
  • Fixed issue #18541: Data entry screen incorrectly assigns 0 value to empty multiflex array checkbox values (master) (Adam Zammit)
  • Fixed issue #18527: Can’t validate phone number using regex if phone number starts with + (#2900) (Gabriel Jenik)
  • Updated translation: Ukrainian by c_schmitz
  • Updated translation: Malay by c_schmitz
  • Updated translation: English by lpomfret
  • Updated translation: Czech by jelen1



Although updates are tested, you’re always encouraged to backup your files before patching.

Tags: Polls and Analytics, Softaculous, survey

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