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Kirby 3.9.0 is now available. This release includes major changes, improvements, new features and bug fixes.


Kirby | CMS | PortalKirby 3.9.0 is a file-based CMS with a beautiful web interface and thousands of customers world-wide. Its flexible data structure and powerful template engine makes it easy to develop fast and high-standard websites in no time.
From portfolios, to blogs, to full-blown company sites, Kirby has all you need. Being file-based comes with extra perks, such as version controllable content, super-easy deployments and blazing-fast performance.



Kirby 3.9.0 Changelog


🧮 Added

  • Snippets with slots
  • Structure field improvements
    • Delete all button idea 458
    • New add button below last row
    • Better pagination
  • PHP 8.2 support #4890

🪄 Enhancements

  • Image\Image uses its model’s alt content field as fallback for rendering the alt attribute to better provide accessible defaults (we already did it for direct image objects, but now it also works for thumbs etc.) #4915
  • Pages section: the status flag button’s tooltip now includes the non-customised label of the current status for better accessibility #4928
  • The license registration dialog now displays an info field for which domain the license will be registered, including a warning when registering a local domain #4930
  • Dimensions::forSvg() supports percentages and better viewport fallbacks #4921
  • Xml::attr() and Html::attr() accept non-associative values (e.g. Xml::attr(['attrA'])), which get rendered like passing true (e.g. attrA="attrA"/attrA) #4935
  • The Dir::copy() method now supports false as the argument for $ignore. In this mode, all files are copied, including those listed in the global Dir::$ignore list. #4872
  • F::move() now ensures that the parent directory exists, which is consistent with F::copy() #4943
  • File::create(), $parent->createFile() and $file->replace() support a new mode that moves the source file instead of copying it #4943
  • Sensitive information like passwords is redacted in logs when using PHP 8.2+ #4945

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Dynamic options for the select field (from API or query) are no longer displayed with double-escaping in the Panel #4974
  • Options from API in options fields (e.g. select, checkboxes) now support simple key/value data like {"key": "value"} again #4987
  • Using options from API in options fields (e.g. select, checkboxes) also works without the query setting again #4985
  • Writer: links now fully wrap inline styling instead of generating multiple link parts #4866
  • Kirby queries: optional chaining on non-null values now works properly #4901
  • Escaping quotes inside query arguments with \" and \' now behaves like it does in PHP (only the same type of quote used for the string can be escaped) #4976
  • Uploaded files are deleted from the temporary directory after they have been successfully stored in the content directory. #2476
  • Fixed focus for checkboxes and radio input with no options #4917
  • Fixed undefined error when paginating the structure field #5000
  • The page.changeSlug hook now receives the correct $languageCode #4983
  • Files field: for store: id only the name is stored again when the current model is the file’s parent #4870
  • Fixed prepending redundant mailto: in k-link #4882
  • Toolkit\Xml::attr() is case-sensitive now #4911
  • Now treating paths with trailing dot as non-existing content representation #4920
  • Fixed console errors for failed lock  request when deleting page with unsaved changes #4919
  • Fixed error message for missing field type #4929
  • ->words() field method works as expected on null values #4905
  • Fixed false-positive blocked requests by ModSecurity (OWASP rules) #4933
  • Panel: load development icons file when in dev mode #4900
  • I18n: English translation had February set to Feburary #4903

🔧 Refactoring

  • Improvements for Toolkit\Locale code quality #4926
  • Improvements for Toolkit\Escape code quality #4925
  • Improvements for Toolkit\Obj code quality #4923
  • Improvements for Toolkit\A code quality #4942
  • Improvements for Toolkit\I18n code quality #4939
  • Improvements for Toolkit\Silo code quality #4922
  • Improvements for Toolkit\Controller code quality #4937
  • Improvements for Toolkit\Iterator code quality #4938
  • Improvements for Toolkit\Html and Toolkit\Xml code quality #4959
  • Improvements for Toolkit\Str code quality #4961
  • Improvements for Text code quality #4956
  • Improvements for Blueprint and Option code quality #4974
  • Upgraded to Vite 4 and some other JS dependencies #4912
  • Updated Composer dependencies #4946
  • PHP 8.2 prep: Fix dynamic properties in search component #4888
  • PHP 8.2 prep: Fix mb_convert_encoding() deprecation in Parsedown #4887
  • The Kirby\Cms\Template class moved to Kirby\Template\Template. An alias has been added. #4910
  • Our unit tests now always trigger our own deprecation warnings, which allows us to find uses of deprecated code in our own code. #4948
  • Use of the null coalescing assignment operator ??= where possible #4957
  • Use of instanceof, the .= operator, array_key_exists() and property defaults where possible #4958
  • Nested if statements have been combined/removed #4958
  • More of our PHPUnit tests use a temporary directory now to prevent tests from creating a stray site directory in the top-level of the project #4973
  • Fixed type hints and docblocks throughout the codebase #4971
  • Fixed broken link in the contribution guide #4960
  • Our PHPUnit tests consistently use assertSame instead of assertEquals where possible and use more specific assertions (e.g. assertTrueassertNullassertFileExistsassertArrayHasKey) #4975
  • Fixed ghost output during PHPUnit test runs #4964

📥 Deprecated

  • Manually passing $slot or $slots as data variables to snippets is deprecated. In a future Kirby version, those variables will be overridden with the Slot and Slots objects. #4963
  • The Toolkit\Query class has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use Query\Query instead. #4944
  • Passing an empty string as value to Xml::attr() / Html::attr() has been deprecated and will throw a warning. In a future version, passing an empty string won’t omit the attribute anymore but render it with an empty value. To omit the attribute, please pass null. #4934
  • The .k-offscreen CSS class has been deprecated. Use .sr-only instead. #4944

🛠 Breaking changes

We try to avoid breaking changes as much as we can. But we also put a lot of effort in keeping our technical debt in Kirby as low as possible. Sometimes such breaking changes are necessary to move forward with a clean code base.

You might wonder why there are breaking changes in a minor release according to Semantic Versioning.

We stick to the following versioning scheme:


This release is Kirby (major release 9 of Kirby 3)

Traditionally, we combine patch and minor releases though and only need the fourth versioning level for regression fixes.

  • $kirby->impersonate() doesn’t bind the app instance to the $callback closure anymore. You can access the app instance with Kirby\Cms\App::instance() or the kirby() helper. #4944
  • The snippet core component receives an additional parameter bool $slots and needs to return Kirby\Template\Snippet|string for slot support. If you override the snippet component, please adapt the logic to the new core component. #4910
  • $kirby->snippet() and the snippet() helper return Kirby\Template\Snippet|string|null #4910
  • Html::rel() now consistently returns null instead of an empty string when no rel attribute is needed #4948
  • A::missing() no longer treats an existing array key with a null value as missing #4942

Removed deprecated code



Although updates are tested, you’re always encouraged to backup your files before patching.

Tags: CMS, Content Management System, Portal, Softaculous

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