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  5. FrontAccounting 2.4.16 | New...

FrontAccounting 2.4.16​ is now available. This release includes improvements and security and bug fixes.


FrontAccounting | ERPFrontAccounting 2.4.16 is an accounting system for small companies. It is web based, simple, but powerful, system for the entire ERP chain.
UIkit is open source and MIT licensed. It is absolutely free of charge and you can use, copy, merge, publish and distribute the framework without any limitations.



FrontAccounting 2.4.16 Changelog


🐞 Bug fixes


  • Bug. add_domain function generates a big list of not found domain file errors. Fixed.
  • Bug 5676: Currency stored in MySQL DOUBLE Type causes strange error. Fixed by explicitly SQL ROUND to price dec in
    updating allocations.
  • Bug 5684 Attach documents: error message when attaching document on some php8 versions fixed.
  • Annoyance 5683: Allow attachments from most needed post-creation option screens.


  • Bug 5678: Customer/Supplier Transactions Ageing Display Calculates Incorrectly (including full allocs) in Customer/Supplier Inquiries. Fixed.

  • Bug 5687: Unable to dispatch SO for service items with u/m decimal places set as “user defined” when SO item qty is less than 5. Fixed.

  • Changed get_unic_dec to get_qty_dec in customer documents for eliminating return -1.


  • Bug. Supplier Payment db calls void_cust_allocations. Fixed to void_supp_allocations.

  • Bug 5678: Customer/Supplier Transactions Ageing Display Calculates Incorrectly (including full allocs) in Customer/Supplier Inquiries. Fixed.

  • Bug5679. Supplier Invoices: error when second invoice to GRN was entered, fixed.

  • Supplier description is overwritten when receiving items. Fixed.

  • Bug 5695: Purchase Order Item Description should be saved on the PO line description directly. Fixed.

  • Allow fractional entry of Purchase Order Line Price. Up to 6 decimals.

  • Bug 5682: Voided PO Deliveries showing up in inquiries. Fixed by changing to Voided icon instead of GL icon.

  • Bug 5697: In Supplier Transaction Inquiry, Aging balances are Incorrect. Fixed.

Item and Inventory

  • Bug. Dimensions in cost update should also be set on balance accounts. Fixed.
  • Bug. Cost Update – Second parameter in memo was not showing decimals. Fixed.
  • Bug. Inventory valuation report. Unit decimal -1 issue. Fixed.


  • Bug 5692: Translatable Strings in locations.php were not translatable. Fixed.

  • The average material cost test for either qoh > 0 and qoh + qty > 0 has changed to 0.0000000001 to avoid strange php results for very small values.

  • Implemented an Items tab for attachments and modified the existing setup attachments.

Fixed Assets

  • Implemented a Fixed Assets tab for attachments and modified the existing setup attachments.

Bank and General Ledger

  • Bug 5685: Bank Statement w/Reconcile report includes gl_trans values that are “0.00”. Fixed.



Although updates are tested, you’re always encouraged to backup your files before patching.

Tags: Accounting System, Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP, Softaculous

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