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  5. Flarum 1.6.3 | New...

Flarum 1.6.3 is now available. This release includes minor changes.


Flarum | ForumsFlarum 1.6.3 is a delightfully simple discussion platform for your website. It’s fast and easy to use, with all the features you need to run a successful community.
Flarum is the combined successor of esoTalk and FluxBB.



Flarum 1.6.3 Changelog


🐞 Bug fixes

  • Post mentions can be used to read any post on the forum without access control (ab1c868).
  • Notifications can leak restricted content (d0a2b95).
  • Any user including unactivated can reply in public discussions whose first post was permanently deleted (12f1411).
  • (subscriptions) Post notifications not getting access checked (e5f0516).



Although updates are tested, you’re always encouraged to backup your files before patching.

Tags: community, Forums, Softaculous

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