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CS-Cart Store Builder Free 4.17.1 is now available. This release includes bug fixes and maintenance.


CS-Cart Store Builder Free | EcommerceCS-Cart Store Builder Free 4.17.1 is the ultimate open source software for starting an eCommerce store. It’s a perfect solution to validate your business idea and build a small or medium online store for your business. The platform is absolutely free, no hidden payments either.
Not only entrepreneurs can use Store Builder Free for their business. We created this product to be the ultimate platform for eCommerce developers to build stores for their customers without having to pay for licenses and updates. It’s a great money saver for developers.
Store Builder Free can be a robust platform for developing a custom online store. And the cool part is that it’s built around the same core as all paid CS-Cart solutions, including the Multi-Vendor marketplace platform. This means that once you master Store Builder Free, you’ll be able to use and develop any CS-Cart product to grow and scale your business.



CS-Cart Store Builder Free 4.17.1 Changelog


New Features New Features

  • [+] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Promotions: Added display of discounts from promotions on the catalog in the storefront.
  • [+] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: Added information on how to get PayPal integration code directly from the payment method setup.
  • [+] Products: Object picker: Quantity and vendor of the product have been added to the item selection.
  • [+] Settings: Appearance: The “Phone number with country selection” option for the “Supported phone numbers” setting was added.
  • [+] UI / UX: Languages: Multilingual field indicator for some pages was added.
  • [+] Upgrade Center: Added filtering for add-on upgrades by add-on status and developer.
  • [+] Upgrade Center: CS-Cart now checks the Add-on Market and warns you if your add-ons aren’t compatible with a new CS-Cart version yet.

Changed Changed

  • [*] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Added the display of the old price of the product offer when a promotion is active.
  • [*] Design: The format setting for language block settings was renamed.
  • [*] Help center: The spacing between blocks was increased, and the heading has been moved.
  • [*] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor panel configurator: Usergroups: Privileges: Privilege “Vendors: Can edit” is now used for log in as vendor from admin panel. It also allows editing vendor panel.
  • [*] Profiles: Administrators: New attributes added in the admin list: “main admin” and “main admin for storefront”.
  • [*] Security: File editor: File uploading security was improved.
  • [*] Shipping methods: Rate areas: Rate area is now displayed at the test rate calculation tab.
  • [*] Shipping: USPS: Updated First-Class Package service.
  • [*] Theme editor: Google fonts are now hosted locally.
  • [*] WYSIWYG: TinyMCE was updated to version 4.7.10.
  • [*] Add-ons: GDPR Compliance (EU): The terms of use tooltip has been replaced with a popup.
  • [*] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: Languages: Ability to translate vendor name, address and city added. Translations are displayed on the storefront and within email notifications.
  • [*] Upgrade Center: All add-on upgrades now follow a similar naming convention: add-on name and version number.
  • [*] Upgrade Center: Notifications about the available upgrades improved.
  • [*] Core: Minimal PHP version requirement bumped from 7.1.0 to 7.2.5, PHP 8.1 support was added.

Bug Fixes Bug fixes

  • [!] Abandoned / Live carts: If the currency thousands separator was a space, a total value could break. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Advanced products Import: While changing an import preset name, the value was saved for only the previously defined language of the page description. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Advanced products import: Export/Import: Import of product description preformatted in HTML was adding the <br /> tag to the new lines. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Advanced products import: Message center: An error was displayed when calling “Contact administrator” on the preset page. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Age verification: System required age verification from an administrator with a given birthday. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Call requests: Long order statuses were displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Cities: Cities could not be attached to any state that had state code longer than 9 symbols. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for vendors: Product options: The Buy a default common product setting did not work correctly with the product options. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for vendors: Vendor locations: Common products were displayed in all categories. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Google reCAPTCHA: There was no way to enable the reCAPTCHA for Email Marketing subscription form. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: GDPR Compliance (EU): Some JS scripts were not loaded if “Cookie consent” setting was set to “None”. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: GDPR: Google reCAPTCHA: reCAPTCHA was not working with explicit cookie consent. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: If the “Customer location” block was added on the checkout page, then the page reloaded infinite. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: When loading Google maps, a warning was shown in the console about the need for the callback function. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: Yandex Maps were returning name of the locality along with its type. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Mobile application: Languages: Products and features were not displayed in the selected language for the vendor. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Newsletters: It was possible to set the autoresponder status to “Sent”, which resulted in empty emails being sent. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: Stripe Connect Payments: Accounting: When money was refunded from a vendor’s account via PayPal Commerce Platform or Stripe Connect, it was listed as if the vendor also owed that sum to the marketplace. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Payment Dependencies: Vendor panel: Vendors were able to use disabled payment methods while creating new shipping method. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Product Reviews: The rating filter did not work. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Product Variations: The product’s URL was not changed when a product variation was selected. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Product Variations: Advanced products import: Features: Even if feature was disabled, new variations could be generated for it. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Product Variations: Disabled variations were displayed on the storefront and were available for adding to the cart. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Product Variations: In some cases add-on could incorrectly modify the SQL query, thus causing an error. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Product Variations: Social buttons: The social buttons disappeared when the product variation was switched. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: RMA: Information about returned products got lost from the administration panel once products’ return period expired. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Social login: An error occurred when authenticating via Twitter. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: Maps and geolocation: “Pickup” shipping method was not displayed on product page separately by default. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Stripe payments: If a negative response is received from the payment system during the payment of an order, the order is created with the status ‘Open’. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Stripe payments: The shopping cart was cleared when entering an incorrect CVC code and reloading the checkout page. Fixed.
  • [!] Add-ons: Vendor privileges: Vendors were able to update shipment status despite user group restriction. Fixed.
  • [!] Checkout: Profile fields: Entered phone field value could be reset after page reload in some cases. Fixed.
  • [!] Checkout: Profile fields: In the Safari browser, the phone field error message could be incorrect. Fixed.
  • [!] Checkout: Promotions: Product discount wasn’t displayed on checkout page within “Order summary” block. Fixed.
  • [!] Checkout: Shipping methods: In some cases, the shipping method might not be displayed if the weight limit and product weight were set to three decimal places. Fixed.
  • [!] Design: Features: Brands: Large text in the description had small line spacing. Fixed.
  • [!] Design: Promotions: In the promotion condition, in the product feature selection field, the entered text was partially not visible. Fixed.
  • [!] Documents: Storefront url was always displayed with HTTP protocol in c.storefront variable. Fixed.
  • [!] Import: On some occasions, some features may have been missed during import. Fixed.
  • [!] Layouts: When switching the layout on the product and website pages, the error was displayed. Fixed.
  • [!] Mobile app: Languages: Some language variables were missed. Fixed.
  • [!] Mobile app: Sign in icon with Apple ID was too small. Fixed.
  • [!] Mobile app: Some interface elements did not work correctly in RTL mode. Fixed.
  • [!] Mobile app: There was no notification that the amount of an item in the cart was reduced to the amount of an item in stock. Fixed.
  • [!] Mobile app: Wrong redirect when recovering password. Fixed.
  • [!] Mobile application: Product reviews: When adding a review, the error messages could not be changed. Fixed.
  • [!] Mobile application: Products: Products in blocks could be sorted incorrectly. Fixed.
  • [!] Mobile application: Vendors: Languages: When editing a product, the categories were not displayed in the selected language. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Bestsellers: Offers without discounts were displayed on the list of discounted products. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Product Variations: Product variations were displayed as out of stock in a product quick view. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Product filters: The price filter did not take into account the current price of the common product after placing an order. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for vendors: Product options: The Buy a default common product setting did not work correctly with the product options. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common products for Vendors: Product Variations: Storefronts: In some cases, the product was not displayed in the list of products of the category. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: Common Products for Vendors: In some cases, when working with common products, the distribution of products in the order by vendors was incorrectly performed. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Order fulfillment by marketplace: Stores and pickup points: Chosen pickup point was not displayed on order detailed page. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Categories: Storefronts: On the category update page, when the storefront was selected, categories of other storefronts could be displayed in the “Location” field. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Email notifications: Storefronts assigned to admins were not taken into account when sending email notifications. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Order management: Storefronts: Vendors were able to assign an order to an unavailable storefront. Fixed
  • [!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Pages: Storefronts: Pages owned by the vendor were displayed on the storefront that was not accessible to that vendor. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Common products for vendors: In some cases, the promotions was incorrectly displayed on the common product page. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Landing pages from Tilda: Vendors: Vendor administrators were unable to view pages from Tilda at the storefront. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: An error occurred when placing an order if Norwegian was used in the storefront. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: Funds were not transfered to vendor if payment was done with “delayed notifications” payment methods like SEPA, Sofort, etc. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: Incorrect order amount was sent to Stripe if zero-decimal currencies was used. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: Promotions: Vendor balance was calculated incorrectly after refund via Stripe if promotions was used for the order. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor Locations [Beta]: Common products for vendors: Product filters: Filters for common products did not work correctly in some cases. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor data premoderation: Common Products for Vendors: Product that was not yet approved by administrator could be made common. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor panel configurator: Vendor privileges: Usergroups: Vendor privileges affected the ability to edit a vendor panel by administrator. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: Vendor panel: The vendor plan description was displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: The add-on could cause PHP fatal error in third party themes and add-ons. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Categories: Picker: The expanded list of categories displayed categories unavailable to the vendor when creating and editing the product. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Email notifications: New vendor details link in email notifications didn’t work. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Logos: Vendors: When creating a vendor through the administration panel, the logo of the last edited storefront was assigned to him. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Marketplace setup wizard: Vendor locations: The “Let vendors set their location on Google Maps” setting couldn’t be turned on. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Products: Data loading on scroll did not work in the vendor dropdown list. Fixed.
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Storefronts: Vendor panel: There was an incorrect redirect to the storefront through the bottom menu of the vendor panel. Fixed
  • [!] Multi-Vendor: Vendor panel: The close icon was not displayed in the mobile layout of the pop-up window. Fixed
  • [!] Onboarding: The proportions of the video may have been broken. Fixed.
  • [!] Order management: In some cases, when adding a product to an order, an error occurred in PHP 8. Fixed.
  • [!] Orders: Search: In the admin panel, it was not possible to find orders in the incomplete status by order ID. Fixed.
  • [!] Orders: In some cases multiple orders with the same identifiers could be created. Fixed.
  • [!] Payments: PayPal Payments: Payflow: Incorrect name value was displayed in the request. Fixed.
  • [!] Product filters: Payments: After removing filters and payment methods, the counter of selected objects was not reset. Fixed.
  • [!] Products: Edit selected: Features: The feature selection was not active when the page was loading. Fixed.
  • [!] Products: Options: When cloning a variant of an option, the image alternative text was cloned incorrectly. Fixed.
  • [!] Products: The products page without a category opened with an error. Fixed.
  • [!] Sales reports: At some zoom levels, products weren’t loaded in reports. Fixed.
  • [!] Settings: Products: Global setting “Track inventory” was not taken into account in some cases for product list. Fixed.
  • [!] Storefronts: Regions: Pages of the regional storefront with redirect enabled might not be indexed by crawlers. Fixed.
  • [!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Stripe: An order made from an additional storefront might not change its status after successful payment. Fixed.
  • [!] Upgrade center: Languages: Step with upgrading the language packs may take too much time during the installation’s upgrade. Fixed.
  • [!] Upgrade center: Upgrades could result in error, if “MyISAM” was disabled on server. Fixed.
  • [!] Upgrade center: When updating add-ons, 0 was substituted to the add-on’s number in the console. Fixed.
  • [!] Upgrade Center: The upgrade of the CS-Cart platform itself could end up at the bottom of the list. Fixed.



Although updates are tested, you’re always encouraged to backup your files before patching.

Tags: E-Commerce, ecommerce, shopping cart, Softaculous

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