Bolt 3.6.3 is now available. This updates fixes some bugs.
Bolt 3.6.3 Changelog

Bolt Portal/ CMS
- Changed: Show a message when attempting to save while CSRF token has expired. #7529
- Fixed: Allow custom slug field label. #7502
- Fixed: Field with same name as other one inside repeater overwrites config of the first one. Ensure select choices are built and accessed via multi-level field names. #7496 #7505
- Fixed: Filter in Backend is lost when clicking first item in pager. #7536
- Fixed: Handle fatal error when Block Groups and Sub-Fields have the same name. #7504
- Fixed: Named repeaters are not saved even if empty. Add a placeholder form input to always trigger saving of Block Fields #7503
- Fixed: Set preserve_keys in array_slice to keep numeric array key association #7531
- Updated: Translating #7533