PivotX 2.3.10 Update Released

PivotX 2.3.10 Update Released

"PivotX 2.3.10 this is a maintenance release." PivotX 2.3.10 is free software to help you maintain dynamic sites such as weblogs, online journals and other frequently updated websites in general. It's written in PHP and uses MySQL or flat files as a database. PivotX...

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PivotX 2.3.9 Update Released

PivotX 2.3.9 Update Released

"Pivotx 2.3.9 maintenance update . Since this release fixes a security-issue, it is a recommended upgrade for all PivotX 2.x websites." PivotX is free software to help you maintain dynamic sites such as weblogs, online journals and other frequently updated websites in...

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