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"LimeSurvey 3.15.6+ is now available. Several bugfixes and updated language"
LimeSurvey 3.15.6+ Changelog

LimeSurvey | Polls
Changes from 3.15.5 (build 181115) to 3.15.6 (build 190108)
Bug Fixes
- New feature: added afterSurveyActivate, afterSurveyDeactivate Plugin Events (#1168) (Marko Bischof)
- [security] Fixed issue #14376: XSS in Survey Resource zip upload (Denis Chenu)
- [security] Fixed issue #14377: XSS in kcfinder upload (Denis Chenu)
- [security] Fixed issue : XSS in theme zip upload (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue # 14253: Copying survey does not copy survey group (#1170) (Tõnis Ormisson)
- Fixed issue #13572: Empty assessement still shown (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #13630: EM send Notice about Undefined offset (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #13859: Question full index loose color when try submit (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14182: Database error when trying to define a quota (Dominik Vitt)
- Fixed issue #14186: Path to preview image broken when creating a custom question theme (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14217: Unpleasant rebound effect when editing questions (#1172) (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14243: applying filter on CPDB grid disables grid button actions (Dominik Vitt)
- Fixed issue #14258: Path to preview image broken when creating a custom admin theme (Dominik Vitt)
- Fixed issue #14270: value, valueNAOK etc ⦠broken with GET params (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14271: Some words used by LS can be used as question codes (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14273: {ASSESSMENT_CURRENT_TOTAL} usage broken in survey (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14276: Validation for multiple numeric input is missing details about “equals sum value” (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14277: When using an existing user name at the “Save and resume later” feature, there is also a wrong warning about a wrong captcha (Dominik Vitt)
- Fixed issue #14278: When resuming a survey there is a wrong warning about disabled JavaScript and a checkbox for “Please confirm you want…” shows (Dominik Vitt)
- Fixed issue #14280: Print answers overview shows broken table format and missing details (Dominik Vitt)
- Fixed issue #14282: Language of Survey is set to default in token form (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14288: TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_INT not replaced in expression for email and reminder (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14290: Some form can not be submitted if csrfTokenName is updated (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14294: Multi-numeric labels not translated (Dominik Vitt)
- Fixed issue #14301 : potential XSS in browse response + filter subquestion (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14312: Import participant CSV is not possible with surveys update right (#1197) (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14312: Importing participants from CSV is not possible for user with survey/create global permission (Dominik Vitt)
- Fixed issue #14313: Top part of drop-down box on participants screen is hidden (#1189) (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14313: Top part of drop-down box on participants screen is hidden (Dominik Vitt)
- Fixed issue #14314: Superadmin user rights not stored properly (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14316: Unable to delete old survey or token table (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14317: CDbException when try to set a title with more than 200 caracters (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14323: Error – resetting conditions (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14326: After activating a survey – back to survey home button not working (Dominik Vitt)
- Fixed issue #14328: Can’t add SVG logo images to theme (Dominik Vitt)
- Fixed issue #14330: Renaming a template with children will break surveys using the inherited template (Thibault Le Meur)
- Fixed issue #14332: Expression manager broken in Bootstrap buttons (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14334: When importing a csv file to the participants table, the UI indicates that double Token values could be allowed (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14341: Unable to update printanswers_head and printanswers_foot via GUI (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14346: Import vv : unable to update only token and/or date (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14348: Themes storage always show 0.0M (#1195) (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14351: favicon are not loaded in public theme (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14352: Multiple HTML open in printanswers view (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14362: Template can throw error with invalid image (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14363: In theme option : current template is the default one (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14372: Ranking issue with image (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14374: Unable to disable samechoiceheight and samelistheight (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #14378: Some file can not be deleted from themes file dir (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue #9762: Token column is blank when selecting “Not completed” or “Not started” status for token export (#1185) (Matthew)
- Fixed issue #Expressions with array number/checkbox are not reloading properly (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue : ASSESSMENT_CURRENT_TOTAL is not saved in Equation question type (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue : Bad ellipsize in question index buttons (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue : Language changer link goes to home page in token form (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue : No CSRF control when delete all condition (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue : No favicon in extended template (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue : Only partial error shown in logic file (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue : Save and close in personal settings goes out of limesurvey (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue : Unclear button in answer edition (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue : email and launch survey is shown without token in browse participants (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue : potential notice in checkintegrity (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue : tokenListActions can be out of screen (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue : unable to answer to question with relevance with js deactivated (Denis Chenu)
- Fixed issue: Can’t update by ComfortUpdate if the server has set low max_upload_file size (Carsten Schmitz)
- Fixed issue: ForceAssets error on upgrade from 2.73 (Carsten Schmitz)
- Fixed issue: Logo_statistics.jpg as headerlogo was not shown in PDF statistics export if available in admintheme image folder (Marko Bischof)
- Fixed issue: Some fonts for Asian languages not properly loaded for PDF output (Carsten Schmitz)
- Fixed issue: Surveymenu breaking (Markus Flür)
- Fixed issue: notice in some cases when importing lss file with debug turned on (Dominik Vitt)
- Fixed issue: unable to send token email reminders (Dominik Vitt)
- Fixed issue: wrong sort when exporting survey as txt file (Dominik Vitt)
- Test to see if this fixes Travis. (Olle Haerstedt)
- This reverts commit 7cba71e8077ffbb9e4f572d5c299bad9e0c5a68a. (Olle Haerstedt)
- Update to yii1.1.20 (#1181) (Denis Chenu)
- fixed path to colorPalette for PDF in statistics createChart (#1194) (Marko Bischof)
Updated Languages
- Updated translation: Catalan by qualitatuvic
- Updated translation: Chinese (Simplified) by johnxan
- Updated translation: Chinese (Simplified) by yooyooh, jun9, yanglaw, johnxan
- Updated translation: Croatian by dominikvitt
- Updated translation: Czech by jelen1
- Updated translation: Danish by bjorn82dk
- Updated translation: Danish by pedesjensen
- Updated translation: Dutch (Informal) by Han
- Updated translation: Dutch by Han
- Updated translation: French (France) by DenisChenu
- Updated translation: French (France) by DenisChenu, LouisGac
- Updated translation: German (Informal) by c_schmitz
- Updated translation: German (Informal) by holch
- Updated translation: German by c_schmitz
- Updated translation: German by holch, c_schmitz
- Updated translation: Hebrew by vis_kerem
- Updated translation: Hungarian by kkd
- Updated translation: Italian (Informal) by lfanfoni
- Updated translation: Italian by lfanfoni
- Updated translation: Japanese by nomoto
- Updated translation: Kyrgyz by kmaksat
- Updated translation: Macedonian by cdorin
- Updated translation: Norwegian (Bokmål) by pmonstad
- Updated translation: Polish (Informal) by elissa
- Updated translation: Polish by elissa
- Updated translation: Portuguese (Portugal) by educaticteced
- Updated translation: Romanian by cdorin
- Updated translation: Tajik by Iskandar_r
- Updated translation: Thai by tomzt
- Updated translation: Turkish by kayazeren
Tags: Composr, cpanel, Portal/CMS, Softaculous
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Enlaces Relacionados
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See LimeSurvey 3.15.6+ in action (Softaculous site (External link)) - Official Website:
Learn more about LimeSurvey 3.15.6+ software (External link) - Run LimeSurvey in your website:
Please Contact us for more information or start any Hosting Plan and install LimeSurvey 3.15.6+ from Softaculous software library