XMB is now available. This release includes bug fixes. XMB is a lightweight PHP forum software with all the features you need to support a growing community. With outstanding community support and contribution, you will find XMB to be easy...
CakePHP 4.4.16 | New Update
CakePHP 4.4.16 is now available. This release includes bug fixes. CakePHP 4.4.16 is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like Active Record, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. Our primary goal is to...
Pimcore 11.0.6 | New Update
Pimcore 11.0.6 is now available. This release includes minor changes and bug fixes. Pimcore 11.0.6 is a powerful and robust Zend Framework based PHP content management system (WCMS) for creating and managing digital content and assets.Besides being a...
Pimcore 10.6.7 | New Update
Pimcore 10.6.7 is now available. This release includes minor changes and bug fixes. Pimcore 10.6.7 is a powerful and robust Zend Framework based PHP content management system (WCMS) for creating and managing digital content and assets.Besides being a...
ProjeQtOr 10.4.3 | New Update
ProjeQtOr 10.4.3 is now available. This release includes bug fixes. ProjeQtOr 10.4.3 is an open source project management software grouping in a single tool all the features needed to organize your projects. It is simple, easy to use daily while covering a...
Invoice Ninja 5.6.25 | New Update
Invoice Ninja 5.6.25 is now available. This release includes minor changes and bug fixes. Invoice Ninja 5.6.25 was built to serve freelancers and business owners with a complete suite of invoicing & payment tools to advance your business. ...
Pimcore 10.6.6 | New Update
Pimcore 10.6.6 is now available. This release includes minor changes and bug fixes. Pimcore 10.6.6 is a powerful and robust Zend Framework based PHP content management system (WCMS) for creating and managing digital content and assets.Besides being a...
Kopage 4.4.7 | New Update
Kopage 4.4.7 is now available. This release includes minor improvements and bug fixes. Kopage 4.4.7 is a Website Builder for Webhosts and Webhosting Industry, compatible with cPanel, DirectAdmin, Parallels Plesk and other hosting control panels. Kopage...
Drupal 10.1.2 | New Update
Drupal 10.1.2 is now available. This release includes improvements and bug fixes. Drupal 10.1.2 is an open-source platform and content management system for building dynamic web sites offering a broad range of features and services including user...
CMSimple 5.12 | New Update
CMSimple 5.12 is now available. This release includes minor changes and bug fixes. CMSimple 5.12 is a php based Content Managemant System (CMS), which requires no database. All data are stored in a simple file system. CMSimple 5.12 Changelog 🐞 Bug...