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Backdrop CMS 1.24.0 is now available. This release includes minor changes and bug fixes.


Backdrop CMS | Portal/ CMSBackdrop CMS 1.24.0 is a full-featured content management system that allows non-technical users to manage a wide variety of content.
It can be used to create all kinds of websites including blogs, image galleries, social networks, intranets, and more.


Backdrop CMS 1.24.0 Changelog

  • The .htaccess files have been modified to include support for PHP 8. This includes the .htaccess files in the project root, in the files directory, and the private files directory. (See [#5906])(backdrop/backdrop-issues#5906)
  • No changes have been made to the robots.txt or default settings.php files in this release. Updating customized versions of those files is not necessary.
  • It will be necessary to run the update script (located at /core/update.php) for this release.
  • not need to be run.


🧮 Added

  • Add a views field handler for project properties from the database. #5820
  • Add descriptions for user roles. #5748
  • Add a configuration option for database log message length. #5553
  • Make File::access consistent with other entity classes. #5480
  • Add “Rebuild search index” process to replace “Invalidate search index”. #4182
  • Add a “Back to site” button into the Admin Bar. #2709
  • Add an instant search filter to the permissions page. [#980](backdrop/backdrop-issues#980



Although updates are tested, you’re always encouraged to backup your files before patching.

Tags: CMS, Content Management System, Softaculous

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